Operation Mr. and Mrs. Agnew ~5-20-17~

Good morning!

First selfie as husband and wife!

Two weeks ago I said, “I Do” to my best friend and now my lifelong partner in crime. The wedding was absolutely beautiful and the honeymoon was just the perfect and rewarding getaway! Time has flown way too fast… seemed like just last week I was complaining about school saying that I couldn’t wait for it to be over and be married and get on with our life together.

The wedding was at a private cabin on the Saluda River and with our closest friends and family. My mother really outdid herself… Pintrest would be proud! I could spend days writing of all the details but I’m hoping our wedding pictures will tell the story for us. As of now, all I have is a sneak peak and probably one of the most treasured moments I will hold of our wedding. Our first dance was “Then” by Brad Paisley and truthfully, I was so overwhelmed with emotion I don’t think I even remember hearing the song playing.

First Dance

First Dance: “Then” – Brad Paisley

That night we drove up to Pigeon’s Forge Tennessee for our week long honeymoon and celebration of finally being done with school. The cabin was absolutely gorgeous… I defiantly have cabin fever now! (Like seriously I’m trying to figure out ways to live in a cabin and not go broke). We had the whole nine yards… Pool table, grill, hot tub, jacuzzi, king sized bed (The was so tall I had to jump to get in) open rafters, and best of all… PRIVATE! After living in one of the biggest (and by biggest I mean obnoxiously loud) college towns… the peace and quite was just amazing! Sipping on hot coffee and eating eggs and bacon every morning looking at this view… I mean who on earth would choose a city view over this!?!

Backproch view

Back-porch view from the cabin

We spent the week doing as much as we possibly could… Dollywood, miniature golf, Forbidden Caverns, Hatfield and McCoy’s dinner show, tons of window shopping, and of course every night was spent on the back porch siting in the hot tub just taking every bit in.

Dollywood Train

Dollywood Express

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle @ Dollywood


Every new husband ends up in a coffin on their honeymoon… right?

Forbidden Caverns

Forbidden Caverns

Us in cave

We finally found a nice couple who would take our picture for us!

Nothing Happened

This sign though…

Sunset and clouds

Probably one of the coolest shots I got. Good ol Smokey Mountains!

Needless to say the trip was amazing. I can’t wait to go back. I think the thing I was looking forward to the most was the chair lift in Gatlinburg as my parents rode it during their honeymoon. However the Gatlinburg fire in 2016 burnt down the top terminal and put it out of operation. During our day trip up to Gatlinburg we stopped by to see the progress and saw a sign saying they planned to open the 26th if all goes well… the day we were leaving! My new husband made it a point to make sure we made it back the next day and sure enough it was operating!

Chair lift

On our way up the mountain. Notice the burnt hilltop and missing terminal. Due to this you can only make a continuous ride up and down. They project by Spring 2018 they will have the top terminal rebuilt.


chair lift view

I’m so glad we were able to see the best view in Gatlinburg. You can still see some of the burnt ridges but the town is completely intact.

Of course any good road trip has to have at least ONE thing go wrong… in my case it was karma. See…. mom let me borrow her car because:

1. It gets way better gas mileage than my truck

2. I’m pretty sure my truck would not have made it up some of those hills….

3. It has a freakin awesome sound system (I’m talking 12s in the back seat)

4. Um sun roof… hello… (of course it rained the whole time…)

Soooooo naturally I had to giver her a bit of a scare. I went online and found a dented up version of her car and texted her with a whoops… Well long story short she actually believed me… only to found out we punkd her.

But of course no bad deed goes unpunished…

As we set out to make the drive back down the mountain, I drove over an invisible pothole… meaning I heard the “thump thump” but saw nothing in the rearview and just wrote it off as “I can’t see anything in this damn tiny car…”. A few minutes later the tire pressure warning flashes… well I’m used to my whole dashboard being lit up with warnings all the time and my truck still runs just fine, so I put a note to check on it when we stopped for gas. So we start hitting some curves… and something feels… off. I suddenly don’t have the grip I normally do. As we change from black asphalt to a sort of porous concrete the tires suddenly start making a noise of something is defiantly not right….  so I pull over just in time to hear the rim hit the pavement and loose grip. I hop out and sure enough… not just a flat tire but flatter than a piece of paper flat. Haha laugh it up…. we change the tire into a donut and boy it was a rough drive down the rest of the hill. I sure learned my lesson… or not.

Flat tire

Hubby changing my tire!!


Now that we’ve returned home we have began our search for jobs and homes to begin our new lives as a married couple. With school finished we have had more time together and with family… although it is such a strange feeling to come home with no assignments or upcoming tests to study for. Like free time??? What is this free time?!

I hope with this newly found free time, I will be able to update my blog more… or maybe I’ll start a vlog… who knows! But I plan on doing a lot of riding to make up for lost time, traveling with my new husband, and just enjoying life.

Until Next time…

Mrs. Agnew